Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday's Woman

This is a new feature, I hope to bring you interesting news and share information that will benefit your life by featuring an inspiring woman on Wednesdays...hence the name Wednesday's Woman.

In this first feature, I am so pleased to introduce  you to Lisa Kristofek, she is the founder of Fresh Squeezed Holistic Nutrition & a certified Holistic Nutritionist, you can find her right here:

Lisa's journey toward wellness began with her own personal health saga & opened the door for a business sharing her passion.

We first met at a class and I had the opportunity 18 months ago to go thru a 3 day cleanse with her program and loved it. (albeit, I had to give up my morning cup of joe for a few days before starting it but it was truly worth it!)

BC ~Lisa, Tell me about how you started you, your business and what led you to a career in nutrition?

LK: All thru my teens and 20’s, I ate to be thin.  My motivation was the size of my jeans.  In my 30’s I was diagnosed with gastric cancer.  In fear for my life, I began researching nutrition and its impact on the body, disease progression, and disease prevention.  What I learned was that my entire life, I’d been eating (or not) for all the wrong reasons; all the wrong foods; while simultaneously starving my body of nutrition.  What a paradox.  After surgery, chemo, radiation and recovery, I went back to school for holistic nutrition. 

The inception of Fresh Squeezed Holistic Nutrition was initially my friends’ desire to clean up their eating habits… many of my first clients were girlfriends who joined me on my 3-day juice-smoothie-salad detoxes.  It bloomed from there as friends told friends…

BC~What signs might someone have that would lead them to take a look at their nutrition - either their food choices and/ or the quality of their food? (ex. Energy, tiredness, bloating etc.)

LK: Everyone should look at their nutrition.  We are a culture of “faster is better” and subsequently we eat from boxes, frozen packages and restaurants.  This is not food – it’s commercially prepared and designed to make us want more of it!  This is not what best supports and nourishes our bodies. 

Certainly if one is experiencing physical symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, reflux or fatigue, the first call should be to a medical doctor.  The second step might be trying to evaluate what foods could be causing the symptom.  There are so many added chemicals and emulsifiers to mass-produced foods that’s sometimes its difficult to ascertain exactly what the problem could be.  Some of the most common culprits are wheat, corn, soy, nuts dairy and eggs.

BC~With so many people focused on the new years resolution of improving health, can you recommend 1-2 thing that could benefit the readers in improving their overall health?

LK: Number one would be picturing your plate at each meal as the face of a clock.  Then make sure the hours between 12 and 7 are vegetables at each meal.  It’s simple!  That way you can eat abundantly!

Number two would be to incorporate a green smoothie into your every day meal plan.  Make 32 oz. each morning and have 16 oz. for breakfast.  Have the second 16 oz. in the late afternoon.  You are literally drinking your veggies.

BC~ I love that tip about looking at your plate like a clock - perfect visual!

BC~ How can people work with you? What options do they have?

LK: I’ve worked for about 200+ people so far.  Most of my clients come to me for a 3-day detox to nourish their bodies and loose a few pounds along the way.  I also offer personalized consultations and meal plans.

BC~If someone is going thru cancer are there options to support their bodies to better handle the chemo and other treatments?
LK: Cancer patients, most importantly, need to focus on eating and eating cleanly to support their bodies through treatments and beyond.  It’s vital to get enough calories and nutrients from clean, unprocessed, organic foods to both keep energy up and not further burden the detoxification systems which already face chemotherapies.  Furthermore, many holistic doctors advocate cancer patients try to keep their diets as alkaline-producing as possible.

Lisa, Thank you for bringing your concepts for living healthy my readers! I have enjoyed this so much and value your knowledge. In our modern society getting as close to the natural source of food as possible is our best defense against disease, living with energy & vibrancy. I admire how gorgeous your skin is and its a reflection of your clean diet!



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